onsdag 11 mars 2009


So we reached Boston! Boston is great! We're staying at Seaport Hotel, where we are staying during the stopover. Very good and conveniently close to the Race Village! Still suffering from jetlag so for the third day in a row I had some time on the "girly machine" (as Peter calls them) in the gym in the morning. It feels great afterwards, but not to fun when you go down there at 6.30.. They have a class similar to BodyBalance three times a week. For you that know how much I love Body Balance it's gonna be great during the stopover to be able to take up that class again!
We had a tour today of the venues we are using during the stopover for management hotel, environmental seminar, cocktail receptions and charter boats. Seems very good and everything is very close by! We have also managed to identify the closest Starbucks! Crucial information in a country where the regular coffee is undrinkable! As I said the other day it is though very expensive. About 45 Sek for a small latte... Hope the exchange rate is improving fast! Otherwise I'm going to be ruined on Caffe Lattes!
Hope everything is well in Sweden! Take care til next time!

1 kommentar:

Unknown sa...

If you're still suffering from jet lag, 6:30 shouldn't be that hard?

// T