måndag 27 oktober 2008


Open fire

Very cosy!

Mum and dad

In the new kitchen wet room.

and shower!


New bathroom! Now you don't have to go outside!

söndag 26 oktober 2008

lördag 25 oktober 2008

söndag 19 oktober 2008

The small things!

the swedish cars must taste very good after a week on the sea... Rudi hid one of the bags he got for the crew. Very much appreciated i assume!

Stånge huvud in lysekil

A nice walk before heading back home.

lördag 18 oktober 2008

back in lysekil!

Back in lysekil for the volonters party! We have the luxurie to once again stay at havshotellet.

måndag 13 oktober 2008

Back in Sweden

So, back in Sweden again after one month in Alicante and met by darkness and rain... It was still warm and late summer when I left!
First thing done at the airport when we landed was to connect to Internet and check on the standing for the guys at sea! We were all eager to know if there had been any changes when in the air, but Ericsson 4 is still in the lead and closely followed by Telefonica Black, Puma and Ericsson 3. It's only updated every 3rd hour...
And now I'm watching Volvo Ocean Race Weekly Report at TV4 (Every Monday at 23.05 for 30 minutes). It feels very strange to watch it all at TV that we just experienced on site a couple of days ago! Seems though like they are doing a good job at reporting from site!

Tomorrow I've taken the day off and will unpack, do laundry, fill the refrigerator again and try to get to my little house and see if it's still standing where I left it. And then it's back to work for about three weeks before I head to Cape Town.

Follow the latest action at http://www.volvooceanrace.org/

söndag 12 oktober 2008

Dinner at the Tapas bar at Hospes Amerigo

Edward Persson, my colleague and I. A very nice dinner!

Dismantling has started

And they are off!

Survived the first stopover for Volvo Ocean Race! The boats left yesterday! Unfortunately, due to change of mobile phone, all the posts I've made the last week has not been uploaded. To see the posts please go to the following link:

Have had the day off, almost.. We had a debriefing with Hansen. A very nice lunch and a very good meeting! Everything has been running very smothly! The Stopover has been a huge success both for Volvo Ocean Race organisation, Volvo and Alicante city!

Anyway, the boats are off. Follow the action on:

Currently the Ericsson boats are in the lead, but it's about 20 days left til they are in Cape Town, so a lot can happen. I'm leaving Alicante tomorrow for Sweden for about three weeks and then I'm heading off for Cape Town.

Have to go as we are going out for dinner and they will soon be waiting for me.... See you soon!

måndag 6 oktober 2008

Alicante by night

Finally some time off!

10 hours sleep some time on the beach massage and dinner in town in civil clothes. What more to ask?