lördag 21 mars 2009

Heading to Brazil

Time to go to Rio where the boats are estimated to arrive on Tuesday! It's been very nice to have some time at home and catch up on everything that has fallen behind the past months! I have had time to clear my computer to increase the memory and clear the Inbox of my mail, so now I feel well prepared for the upcoming months of travelling and for a week of vacation!
Tomorrow I'm heading to Rio. I land in the evening and Monday morning it's time to hit the road! I'm going out backpacking for a week! That was a long time ago! It's gonna be a lot of fun, even if it is only for a week and to one place, Paraty. It's about four hours bus drive south of Rio. It has all ingrediences for a good vacation, beutiful beaches, boat trips, hikes to waterfalls in the rainforests, horse back riding, nice old town with cobble stones and beutiful views. I found a couple of nice places to stay, which are small and cozy, so I'm really looking forward to it. And the best! I'm not bringing the computer! For a whole week! But I'm sure they have an Internet café where I can sneek in to add something to the blog....
To read more about the place visit:
Until next time.. Take care!

1 kommentar:

en annan sa...

Nej DU SKÖT OM DIG! :-) Vi som mossar omkring här hemma gör ju det av bara farten... :-)
Hoppas du får det kanonfint, jag skulle SÅ gärna göra dig sällskap fy fanken så fint det såg ut att vara där!! :-)
