Long time no hear! Sorry for being away for so long, but our network has prevented me to add messages to the blog while at work and there hasn't been a lot of time to sit at the hotel to blog. I really appreaciate all the comments I get that I don't update the blog, so I'm glad that some of you are following it!
So after one week at the Canary Islands with my family over Christmas and three weeks in Singapore (Wonderful stopover, but unfortunately no people in Race Village. Pictures will come the next days. Among other things Johan and I had a couple of wonderful days at Bintan Island!) I'm now in Qingdao, China. It is really great to be able to travel around with the race to the different stopovers, same people, same event, more or less the same pavilions in the Race Village, but so different cultures, environment, weather and problems! Qingdao has done a great job with the Race village with very good set up. We've had few problems and most of the things are running according to plan. But it is a little bit cold... Especially after coming straight from Singapore with about 30 degrees... But with a lot of clothes it is very nice outside when the sun is out and without wind! Johan left a couple of days ago, after about a week in Qingdao. We've have had a good setup and quite good calm days, but from now on the workload is pretty much going to increase by each day coming up to Inport weekend and restart. A minor setback is ofcourse that we've so far only have had four boats crossing the finish line... Green Dragon, half sponsored by Chinese companies and with a chinese sailor onboard, just crossed the finish line in fourth place and the pavilion is currently filled with Green Dragon sailors and staff. Telefonica Blue, Puma and Ericsson International came a couple of days ago well together and there were some spectacular arrivals. For the rest of the boats the plan right now is for Ericsson Nordic to repair their boat in Taiwan and then continue their journey up to Qingdao and join the rest of the fleet before the restart. Delta Lloyd and Telefonica Black are though more uncertain if they will make it to Qingdao...
So it's over 22.00 and I'm getting really hungry, so time to leave the Race Village! I'll try to give a more thorough update the next upcoming days! Until then take care!